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Private Security Badges - Design & Order Custom Badges Online

Create customized private security badges through our specialized protection industry platform. Design badges that demonstrate your security role with client site identifiers, corporate credentials, and protective service qualifications. From site security to executive protection teams, craft badges that establish your professional status. Order quality private security badges today at Owl Badges®.

Three unique private security badges showcasing different badge shapes to select from: a gold eagle-topped badge for 'Westport Mall 554,' a golden sunburst badge for 'Westfield Shopping Center Sergeant 658,' and a classic shield badge for 'Private Security Officer 124,' each detailed with patriotic elements and professional designs. Perfect for selecting a private security badge and choosing a custom badge shape., private security badge, security badges, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, security badges, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge

1. Select badge style

Select badge shape and style

Online design tool displaying a gold 'Private Security Officer 124' badge, with options to customize and personalize the badge. Users can select base badge colors such as gold, silver, and black, and add enhancements to create a unique private security badge tailored to their needs., private security badge, security badges, police badges, officer badges, custom police badges, private security badge, security badges, police badges, officer badges, custom police badges

2. Customize badge

Customize badge with your details

Shopping cart page for purchasing a custom private security badge, featuring a gold 'Private Security Officer' badge alongside a black badge holder. The interface displays item details, quantities, pricing, and a clear breakdown of the total cost, with a prominent 'Proceed to Checkout' button to easily buy and order your custom badge., private security badge, security badges, police badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, security badges, police badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge

3. Add to cart

Add badges to cart and order

  • Custom Sheriff Badges: Design, Create and Order Badges For Sheriff Departments Sheriff Badge SH4-A1 Gold a gold badge with a blue circle and white text With Iowa state flag, private security badge, security badges, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges
    Custom Sheriff Badges: Design, Create and Order Badges For Sheriff Departments Sheriff Badge SH4-A1 Gold a gold badge with a blue circle and white text With Iowa state flag, private security badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    Custom Sheriff Badges: Design, Create and Order Badges For Sheriff Departments Sheriff Badge SH4-A1 Silver a badge with a flag and a circle a badge with a flag and text. In UV Color, private security badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges
    Custom Badge Eagle Top 4-A1, Little Rock Police Badge 100 Years Anniversary with American Flag background Badges Style #4-A1, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, police badges

    Custom Badge Eagle Top 4-A1

    Matching Product:
  • A custom metal badge in all gold featuring a detailed bust of Donald Trump at the top. The badge is inscribed with "PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR" prominently displayed, along with "MARK-WALTERS CO." and the state seal of Indiana at the center. Below this, the number "884512" is clearly visible. This design exemplifies the authority and craftsmanship of a custom metal badge in all gold with Donald Trump bust., private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges, custom police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges, custom police badges
    A custom metal badge in all gold featuring a detailed bust of Donald Trump at the top. The badge is inscribed with "PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR" prominently displayed, along with "MARK-WALTERS CO." and the state seal of Indiana at the center. Below this, the number "884512" is clearly visible. This design exemplifies the authority and craftsmanship of a custom metal badge in all gold with Donald Trump bust., private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges
    A custom metal badge in silver with gold panels featuring a detailed bust of Donald Trump at the top. The badge prominently displays "PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR" and "MARK-WALTERS CO." in yellow lettering, with the state seal of Indiana at the center. Below this, the number "884512" is clearly visible. This design showcases the unique combination of silver and gold elements in a custom metal badge with Donald Trump bust., private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, security badges, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, security badges, police badges

    President Trump Collectors Badge 3-C11DT

    Matching Product:
  • Custom Badges for Police, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges
    Custom Badges for Police, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, custom police badges, security badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, custom police badges, security badges
    Cobbly Nob security Officer gold badge with a bear on it Style # 3-C11AK, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges
    badge for police Alaska State Troopers gold badge with a bear head and blue text Style # 3-C 11AK, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, security badges, officer badges

    Bear Top Badge 3-C11AK

    Matching Product:
  • Custom Made Badges Police officers association of Texas gold badge with American flag background Style # 1-A10, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, security badges, custom police badges
    Custom Made Badges Police officers association of Texas gold badge with American flag background Style # 1-A10, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges
    New York Police Department Badge, private security badge, officer badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, private security badge, officer badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges
    Custom Made Badges New Hope Police Department Chief gold badge. Style # 1-A10, private security badge, officer badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, private security badge, officer badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges

    American Pride Badge

    Matching Product:
  • Nypd Badges New Mexico Mounted Trooper Patrol Officer Gold badge with flag and eagle. Style # 1-A10R, private security badge, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, custom police badges, private security badge, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, custom police badges
    Nypd Badges New Mexico Mounted Trooper Patrol Officer Gold badge with flag and eagle. Style # 1-A10R, private security badge, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges
    Nypd badges New Mexico Mounted patrol Trooper silver badge with a flag and eagle. Style # 1-A10R, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge

    American Pride Reverse Enamel 1-A10R

    Matching Product:
  • Buy Custom Lanyard Badges, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, custom police badges
    Buy Custom Lanyard Badges, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, custom police badges, security badges, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, custom police badges, security badges
    North Hampton police Chief Silver badge Style # 3-C15, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    lapd badge a close-up of a badge, private security badge, officer badges, custom police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, officer badges, custom police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge

    Eagle Top Badge 3-C15

    Matching Product:
  • badge lapd Metropolitan Police Department Lieutenant Gold badge with Silver Star. Style # 3-c118H14, private security badge, officer badges, custom police badges, security badges, police badges, private security badge, officer badges, custom police badges, security badges, police badges
    badge lapd Metropolitan Police Department Lieutenant Gold badge with Silver Star. Style # 3-c118H14, private security badge, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    Metropolitan Police Department Captain police black Badge with a star. Style # 3-c118H14, private security badge, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges
    badge lapd Allen County Correctional Department corrections Gold Badge with a star. Style # 3-c118H14, private security badge, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, private security badge, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges

    Eagle Top Badge 5 Point Star 3-C118H14

    Matching Product:
  • police badge Town of Platssburg Schools Lieutenant Silver badge with blue text. Style # 3C11-13G2, private security badge, police badges, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges, private security badge, police badges, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges
    police badge Town of Platssburg Schools Lieutenant Silver badge with blue text. Style # 3C11-13G2, private security badge, police badges, security badges, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, security badges, custom police badges, officer badges
    police badge Town of Platssburg Schools Police Officer gold badge with blue text. Style # 3C11-13G2, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges

    Eagle Top Badge Shield 3C11-13G2

    Matching Product:
  • Custom Convention Badges, badge for police Rockland Corrections Captain Silver badge with text and numbers. Style 3-c11, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges
    Custom Convention Badges, badge for police Rockland Corrections Captain Silver badge with text and numbers. Style 3-c11, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, custom police badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, custom police badges
    private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, security badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, security badges

    Eagle Top Badge Shield 3-C11

    Matching Product:
  • private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges
    private security badge, police badges, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, police badges, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges
    private security badge, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, private security badge, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges

    Eagle Top Reverse Enamel 3-C11R

    Matching Product:
  • Parkland Iowa Police officer gold badge with a star. Style # 3-D1, private security badge, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, private security badge, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges
    Parkland Iowa Police officer gold badge with a star. Style # 3-D1, private security badge, police badges, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, police badges, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    badge sheriff Parkland Iowa Police officer gold badge with a star and text. Style # 3-D1, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge

    Eagle Top Badge 3-D1

    Matching Product:
  • badge sheriff Harmony Bay Police Chief gold badge with a star and text. Style # 3-D1R, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, security badges, officer badges
    badge sheriff Harmony Bay Police Chief gold badge with a star and text. Style # 3-D1R, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges
    Badge sheriff Harmony Bay Police Chief gold badge with a star and Blue text. Style # 3-D1R, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges, security badges, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges, security badges

    Eagle Top Badge Reverse Enamel 3-D1R

    Matching Product:
  • police badge with sugerhill police department a close-up of a police badge, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    police badge with sugerhill police department a close-up of a police badge, private security badge, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges
    Sugerhill Police Department Officer black badge with white text. Style 3-c11-2, private security badge, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges, private security badge, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges
    Forest Hill National Hunting Club Black badge with a gold text Style # 3-c11, private security badge, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, security badges, private security badge, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, security badges

    Eagle Top Badge Popular

    Matching Product:
  • Sergeant Police Badge for Wilson County Police Department Badge in Gold Color Style #3-C11-3, private security badge, custom police badges, officer badges, security badges, police badges, private security badge, custom police badges, officer badges, security badges, police badges
    Sergeant Police Badge for Wilson County Police Department Badge in Gold Color Style #3-C11-3, private security badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, security badges, private security badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, security badges
    Police Badge in Gold Color, private security badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    Wilson County Police Badge SRT in Black Color Badge Style #3-C11-3, security badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, police badges

    Eagle Top Badge Popular

    Matching Product:
  • badge for police Public Safety Western Illinois University Gold Badge with Black text. Style # 2-c14-2, security badges, private security badge, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, security badges, private security badge, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges
    badge for police Public Safety Western Illinois University Gold Badge with Black text. Style # 2-c14-2, security badges, private security badge, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, private security badge, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    badge for police Safety Officer Cadet Silver Badge Style # 2-c14-2, security badges, private security badge, police badges, officer badges, custom police badges, security badges, private security badge, police badges, officer badges, custom police badges
    badge for police a gold badge with text on it, security badges, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge

    Eagle Top Badge Popular

    Matching Product:
  • Freeport Police Officer gold badge with blue text and a bird. Style # 2-c14, security badges, private security badge, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges, security badges, private security badge, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges
    Freeport Police Officer gold badge with blue text and a bird. Style # 2-c14, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, custom police badges, officer badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, custom police badges, officer badges
    Emergency Response Freeport Police black Badge with white text. Style # 2-c14, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, custom police badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, custom police badges, police badges
    Sheriff badge Walmart Loss Prevention Gold Badge with Blue Text. Style # 2c14, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, private security badge, police badges

    Eagle Top Badge Traditional

    Matching Product:
  • Police Badge Gardena Police Department Police officer Silver badge with black text. Style # 3-f1, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges
    Police Badge Gardena Police Department Police officer Silver badge with black text. Style # 3-f1, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, officer badges, private security badge
    Police badges Gardena Police Department Gold Sergeant badge with black text. Style # 3-F1, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, officer badges, custom police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, officer badges, custom police badges
    police badge Gardena Police Department Gold Chief badge with black text and a red center seal. Style # 3-f1, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, custom police badges, private security badge, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, custom police badges, private security badge

    Eagle Top Badge 3-F1

    Matching Product:
  • Badge for police Summit Hill Police Department Captain Silver Badge with Blue text and Pennsylvania center seal. Style # 3-f2, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges
    Badge for police Summit Hill Police Department Captain Silver Badge with Blue text and Pennsylvania center seal. Style # 3-f2, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge
    Badge for police Summit Hill Police Department Deputy Chief Gold Badge with blue text. Style # 3-f2, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges
    Badge for police Summit Hill Police Department Officer Silver Badge with Blue text and Pennsylvania center seal. Style # 3-f2, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge

    Eagle Top Badge 3-F2

    Matching Product:
  • nypd badge 3-F3-Special-Police-Officer-Badge, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges
    nypd badge 3-F3-Special-Police-Officer-Badge, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    nypd badge Fox River Grove Police Department Officer Gold badge with blue text. Style # 3-f3, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges
    nypd badge Fox River Grove Police Department Chief gold badge with blue text. Style # 3-f3, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge

    Eagle Top Badge 3-F3

    Matching Product:
  • lapd badge Warden Department of Correction gold badge with a black and white center seal. Style 3-f4, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, custom police badges, police badges, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, custom police badges, police badges
    lapd badge Warden Department of Correction gold badge with a black and white center seal. Style 3-f4, security badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, private security badge, security badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, private security badge
    lapd badge Stonewall Department of Corrections Sergeant gold badges with silver panels. Style # 3-f4, security badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, custom police badges, security badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, custom police badges
    lapd badge Stonewall Department of Correctios Officer silver badge with black text. Style # 3-F4, security badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, private security badge, security badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, private security badge

    Eagle Top Badge 3-F4

    Matching Product:
  • cops badges United States International security agency a gold badge with a blue circle and a blue circle with a black text, security badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, security badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges
    cops badges United States International security agency a gold badge with a blue circle and a blue circle with a black text, security badges, officer badges, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge

    Eagle Top Badge

    Matching Product:
  • Gold Police Badge, security badges, officer badges, police badges, private security badge, custom police badges, security badges, officer badges, police badges, private security badge, custom police badges
    Gold Police Badge, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges
    Silver Police Badge, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge
    Black Police Badges, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge

    Eagle Top Badge Popular

    Matching Product:
  • Patrolman Seville Police Silver badge with Black text. Style 2-c10-2, security badges, police badges, private security badge, custom police badges, officer badges, security badges, police badges, private security badge, custom police badges, officer badges
    Patrolman Seville Police Silver badge with Black text. Style 2-c10-2, security badges, police badges, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge
    Seville Police Gold badge with black text. Style # 2-c10-2, security badges, police badges, officer badges, private security badge, custom police badges, security badges, police badges, officer badges, private security badge, custom police badges
    security officer Eastern Bay Search and rescue Squad team leader a silver and yellow badge, security badges, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, security badges, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge

    Eagle Top Badge 2-C10-2

    Matching Product:
  • Warner Center Security gold badge with black text. Style #2-c13-2, security badges, police badges, custom police badges, private security badge, officer badges, security badges, police badges, custom police badges, private security badge, officer badges
    Warner Center Security gold badge with black text. Style #2-c13-2, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    Silver Police Badge, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, officer badges, police badges
    warner Complex Shopping and Living Security Silver badge with gold panel. Style # 2-c13-2, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge

    Eagle Top Badge Traditional

    Matching Product:
  • Senior Police Officer Badge, security badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, police badges
    Senior Police Officer Badge, security badges, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    Hobart city Police office gold badge with black text and a black center seal. Style # 2-c12-4, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge
    Black Police Badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, officer badges

    Eagle Top Badge Popular

    Matching Product:
  • Winter Lake Police Department Officer Silver Badge with black text. Style # 2-D2, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges
    Winter Lake Police Department Officer Silver Badge with black text. Style # 2-D2, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges
    Winter Lake Police department Officer Gold Badge with Black text. style 2-d2, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges
    Alamo Western Historical Tours Trained guides gold badge with blue text. Style # 2-d2, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, custom police badges

    Eagle Top Badge Popular

    Matching Product:
  • police officer badge Fallbrook Police Officer gold back with blue text. Style 2-c16, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, police badges, security badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, police badges, security badges, custom police badges
    police officer badge Fallbrook Police Officer gold back with blue text. Style 2-c16, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, custom police badges, security badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, custom police badges, security badges, police badges
    Police officer badge Fallbrook Police Officer Silver badge with blue text. Style # 2-c16, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, custom police badges, officer badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, custom police badges, officer badges, security badges
    police officer badge Fallbrook Police Officer Black badge with white text. Style # 2-c16, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges

    Eagle Top Badge Popular

    Matching Product:
  • police badge Allied Universal Security Officer Silver Badge. Style # 2-c13, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, private security badge, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, private security badge, officer badges, custom police badges
    police badge Allied Universal Security Officer Silver Badge. Style # 2-c13, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, police badges, private security badge
    police badge Allied Universal Security Officer gold badge with blue text. Style # 2-c13, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, police badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, police badges, custom police badges
    tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges, private security badge

    Eagle Top Badge Popular

    Matching Product:
  • Rockie Hill Police Department Gold Badge with black text. Style # 2-c13-4, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges, officer badges, custom police badges
    Rockie Hill Police Department Gold Badge with black text. Style # 2-c13-4, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge
    Rockie Hill Police Depart Silver Badge with black text. Style # 2-c13-4, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges
    badge sheriff Rockie Hill Police Department Black Badge with white text. Style # 2-c13-4, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, police badges

    Eagle Top Badge Popular

    Matching Product:
  • police badge Chino Park Police Sergeant Gold Badge with black text. Style # 3-B2, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, private security badge, custom police badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, private security badge, custom police badges, police badges
    police badge Chino Park Police Sergeant Gold Badge with black text. Style # 3-B2, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, private security badge
    Chino Park Police Chief Silver Badge with Black text. Style # 3-B2, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, custom police badges
    Chino Park Police Officer Black badge with white text. Style # 3-b2, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, police badges, custom police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, police badges, custom police badges, private security badge

    Eagle Top Badge Popular

    Matching Product:
  • Deputy Sheriff Bell View County Gold Badge with Black text. Style # 3-A1, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges, security badges
    Deputy Sheriff Bell View County Gold Badge with Black text. Style # 3-A1, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, security badges, private security badge, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, security badges, private security badge, custom police badges
    Gold Police Badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, security badges, officer badges, private security badge
    Sheriff badge Deputy Sheriff Bell view County Silver Badge with black text. Style # 3-A1, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges

    Eagle Top Badge Popular Cross

    Matching Product:
  • New York police badge Germantown police Officer gold badge with black text. Style # 12-d17-2, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges
    New York police badge Germantown police Officer gold badge with black text. Style # 12-d17-2, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges, security badges
    tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, private security badge, security badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, private security badge, security badges, officer badges
    New York Police badge Germantown Police Officer black badge with white text and New York Seal. Style # 12-d17-2, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, private security badge, security badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, private security badge, security badges, police badges

    Eagle Top Badge Popular

    Matching Product:
  • badge for police a gold badge with a star, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, security badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, security badges, private security badge, police badges
    badge for police a gold badge with a star, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, security badges, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, security badges, police badges, private security badge
    badge for police Ulysses police department police officer silver badge with star and black text. Style # 11-d15h11, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, security badges, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, security badges, police badges, officer badges
    Ulysses police department officer black badge with star and silver text. Style # 11-d15h-11, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge, security badges

    Oval Badge W/ 6 Pointed Star 11-D15H11

    Matching Product:
  • nypd detective badge Abbeville Police Department Police Officer gold badge with start and black text. Style # 11-d15h11b, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge, police badges
    nypd detective badge Abbeville Police Department Police Officer gold badge with start and black text. Style # 11-d15h11b, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges, private security badge
    Nypd Captain badge Abbeville Police Department Captain Silver Badge with blue text and start center. Style # 11-d15h11b, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges, security badges
    Abbeville Police department K9 Officer black badge with gold text and star. Style # 11-d15h11b, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, security badges

    Oval Badge W/ 6 Pointed Star 11-D15H11B

    Matching Product:
  • police Sergeant badge Sanmar College Public Safety police Officer gold badge with black text and Iowa center seal . Style # 5-d11, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, private security badge, officer badges
    police Sergeant badge Sanmar College Public Safety police Officer gold badge with black text and Iowa center seal . Style # 5-d11, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, security badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, security badges, officer badges
    Police officer cadet badge Sanmar College Public Safety Cadet silver badge with black text and Iowa center seal. Style # 5-d11, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, private security badge

    Oval Badge 5-D11

    Matching Product:
  • badge for police Clinton Public Safety Sergeant gold badge with star. Style # 5-d12, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, security badges
    badge for police Clinton Public Safety Sergeant gold badge with star. Style # 5-d12, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges
    badge for police Clinton Independent school district Public safety silver badge with star and black text. Style # 5-d12, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge

    Oval Badge 5-D12

    Matching Product:
  • police badge Cannon Beach Police Chief gold badge with black text and center start. Style # 27-a1, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, police badges, custom police badges
    police badge Cannon Beach Police Chief gold badge with black text and center start. Style # 27-a1, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, private security badge, security badges, custom police badges, police badges
    police badge Cannon Beach Police K-9 Unit gold badge with star and state of Oregon seal. Style # 27-a1, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges

    Oval Badge 27-A1

    Matching Product:
  • police officer badge Perth Amboy Police Officer gold badge with blue text. Style # 22-f2, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges
    police officer badge Perth Amboy Police Officer gold badge with blue text. Style # 22-f2, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, security badges
    police officer badge Perth Amboy Police Officer Silver Badge with blue text. Style # 22-f2, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges
    police officer badge Perth Amboy Department of police silver badge with blue text. Style # 22-f2, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge

    Oval Badge 22-F2

    Matching Product:
  • police officer badge North little Rock Police Officer silver badge with black text and state of Arkansas center seal. Style # 6-j1, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, security badges, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, security badges, custom police badges
    police officer badge North little Rock Police Officer silver badge with black text and state of Arkansas center seal. Style # 6-j1, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges

    Oval Badge w/ Eagle

    Matching Product:
  • detective badge Mansfield Policeman Police Chief gold badge with Arizona center seal and eagle on top. Style # 6-j1r, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges
    detective badge Mansfield Policeman Police Chief gold badge with Arizona center seal and eagle on top. Style # 6-j1r, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    detective badge Mansfield Policeman police Chief gold badge with gold text. Style # 6-j1r, officer badges, private security badge, custom police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, private security badge, custom police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge

    Oval Badge w/ Eagle Reverse Enamel 6-J1R

    Matching Product:
  • Metropolitan Police silver badge with state of Alabama center seal and black text. Style # 7-d12, officer badges, private security badge, custom police badges, security badges, police badges, officer badges, private security badge, custom police badges, security badges, police badges
    Metropolitan Police silver badge with state of Alabama center seal and black text. Style # 7-d12, officer badges, security badges, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges, security badges, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges
    Metropolitan Police gold Badge with state of Alabama center seal and black text. Style # 7-d12, officer badges, security badges, private security badge, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, security badges, private security badge, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    police badge Metropolitan Police black badge with Alabama state seal and white text. Style # 7-d12, officer badges, security badges, private security badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, security badges, private security badge, custom police badges, police badges

    Oval Badge Building

    Matching Product:
  • law enforcement badges custom Rehabilitation Corrections Officer Gold Badge with black text and Idaho State center seal. Style # 8-d13, officer badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges, officer badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, police badges
    law enforcement badges custom Rehabilitation Corrections Officer Gold Badge with black text and Idaho State center seal. Style # 8-d13, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, police badges, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, police badges
    Rehabilitation Corrections Warden Silver Badge with black text and Idaho state seal. Style # 8-d13, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge
    Rehabilitation Corrections Officer silver badge with black text and state of Idaho center seal. Style# 8-d13, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, officer badges, security badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges

    Oval Badge Reef Edge

    Matching Product:
  • police officer badge Springdale Police Lieutenant Gold badge k9 unit with gold text and state of illinois center seal. Style # 8-d13r, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, police badges, custom police badges
    police officer badge Springdale Police Lieutenant Gold badge k9 unit with gold text and state of illinois center seal. Style # 8-d13r, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, private security badge, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, private security badge, police badges
    police officer badge Springdale Police Chief gold badge with gold text and State of Illinois center seal. Style # 8-d13r, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, private security badge, custom police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, private security badge, custom police badges
    police officer badge Springdale Police Officer silver badge with state of Illinois center seal. Style # 8-d13r, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges, private security badge, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges, private security badge

    Oval Badge Reef Edge Reverse Enamel 8-D13R

    Matching Product:
  • police badge Hardens Police Department Officer gold badge with black text and state of Maine as center seal. Style # 8-d13-4, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges, custom police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges, custom police badges
    police badge Hardens Police Department Officer gold badge with black text and state of Maine as center seal. Style # 8-d13-4, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, custom police badges, security badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, custom police badges, security badges
    police badge Hardens Police Department K9 Officer Black badge with white text. Style # 8-d13-4, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, private security badge, security badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, private security badge, security badges
    Sumpia Desert Casino Black badge with gold text . Style # 8-d13-4, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, private security badge, police badges, officer badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, private security badge, police badges

    Oval Badge Reef Edge

    Matching Product:
  • Lamonte Police officer gold badge with blue text and state of Montana center seal. Style # 8-d13-2, officer badges, police badges, private security badge, security badges, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges, private security badge, security badges, custom police badges
    Lamonte Police officer gold badge with blue text and state of Montana center seal. Style # 8-d13-2, officer badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, private security badge
    police officer badge Lamonte Police Officer silver badge with blue text and Montana center seal. Style # 8-d13-2, officer badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, custom police badges
    police badge Lamonte Police officer Black badge with white text. Style # 8-d13-2, officer badges, police badges, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge, officer badges, police badges, security badges, custom police badges, private security badge

    Oval Badge Reef Edge

    Matching Product:
  • Custom Event Badges - police badge Washington Police Department Sergeant Silver badge with black text and state of connecticut center seal. Style # 5-d10, officer badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, custom police badges
    Custom Event Badges - police badge Washington Police Department Sergeant Silver badge with black text and state of connecticut center seal. Style # 5-d10, officer badges, custom police badges, private security badge, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, custom police badges, private security badge, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    Custom Event Badges - badge cop Washington Police Department Police Officer black badge with white text and connecticut state seal. Style # 5-d10, officer badges, custom police badges, private security badge, security badges, police badges, officer badges, custom police badges, private security badge, security badges, police badges
    police badge Washington Police Department Police Officer gold badge. Style # 5-d10, officer badges, custom police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges

    Oval Badge Popular

    Matching Product:
  • badge cop Trooper Alaska State Police Silver badge with star. Style # 11-f4, officer badges, custom police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, officer badges, custom police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges
    badge cop Trooper Alaska State Police Silver badge with star. Style # 11-f4, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, police badges
    badge cop Trooper Alaska State Police Gold badge with star and blue text. style # 11-f4, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, private security badge, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, private security badge
    United States Air Force Technician Silver badge with blue text, star in the middle and on a leader holder. Style # 11-f4, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, security badges, officer badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, security badges

    Oval Badge 7 Pointer Star Flags

    Matching Product:
  • detective badge Southwest College Public Safety silver badge with gold star in the middle and black text. Style # 11-f5, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, officer badges, custom police badges, police badges, security badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    detective badge Southwest College Public Safety silver badge with gold star in the middle and black text. Style # 11-f5, police badges, private security badge, security badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge, police badges, private security badge, security badges, custom police badges, tdcj correctional officer badge
    detective badge Southwest College Public Safety Gold badge with black text and Arizona state seal. Style # 11-f5, police badges, private security badge, security badges, custom police badges, officer badges, police badges, private security badge, security badges, custom police badges, officer badges
    detective badge Southwest College Public Safety Police Officer Black badge with white text. Style # 11-f5, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges, police badges, private security badge, tdcj correctional officer badge, security badges, officer badges

    Oval Badge 7 Pointer Star Flags

    Matching Product:

Personalized Private Security Badges: Design Protection Service Shields Online

Create distinctive private security badges through our specialized protection services platform. Our system supports all security service types – from corporate protection and client site security to specialized guard services and mobile patrol units. Design badges featuring professional security shields, add your company’s identity, and include client-specific details. Each private security badge incorporates service level markers, assignment locations, and corporate branding that matches your company’s professional standards.

Start designing your private security officer badge with service-specific elements on our secure platform. Choose from professional shield styles developed for private protection services. Add your company logo, client site information, and security classifications. Preview your design and order through our dedicated security portal. Company-wide discounts available with no minimum required. Production completed in 8-12 weeks with our professional warranty. Our security specialists understand proper credential display and industry standards. Begin creating your private security badges now – select styles, add company details, and complete your order through our user-friendly platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

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